No REI club in my area what should I do?

I dont have an REI club in my area. What should I do to network with other investors? Whats the best way to get info on my market?

  1. Go out and look at homes as often as time permits their is no better way to learn than actually going through homes

  2. Look in your tax records, most areas have tax records online that can be searched online. You can find out most of the previous solds in your area.

  3. Call a realtor and have them put you on a property update list. They should be able to set it up so that you recieve all of the new homes that hit the market each day via email. Study the new listings to get an idea of property values in certain areas

  4. Use for satellite pictures and price studies of your area.

You dont need a REI club to start investing. I make plenty of money investing and have never even been to an REI club meeting. If there was one then it wouldnt hurt to go, but since theres not, no big deal. Dont let the little things turn into obstacles to your investment success. Im sure if you have spent more than 2-3 hours in the forum that you already know enough to get going, its really not that hard, heck if I can do it anyone can.

Eric Medemar

If there is no REI club in your area, why not start one?
