Newbie Wholesaler


Hello all:

  1. What’s the best way to begin to create a buyers list?

  2. Do the buyers need to be in close geographic proximity?

  3. It would seem that having a buyers list would mean that I would have to deal with a multitude of different buying criteria. How do I keep track of who’s interested in what?

  4. I found a property, I looked it up in the tax record, and sent a letter, now what? Who’s to say that the info is correct (e.g. absentee owner)? How do you track the owner down?

Thanks in advance,


  1. What’s the best way to begin to create a buyers list? Go to networking meetings and look on classfied ads sites for buyers and post ads to attract buyers

  2. Do the buyers need to be in close geographic proximity? No they can be anywhere

  3. It would seem that having a buyers list would mean that I would have to deal with a multitude of different buying criteria. How do I keep track of who’s interested in what? Ask them questions on what they buy and keep track of the answers in a database or spreadsheet

  4. I found a property, I looked it up in the tax record, and sent a letter, now what? Who’s to say that the info is correct (e.g. absentee owner)? How do you track the owner down?
    Wait for the seller to contact you. You can never tell really until you get in contact with them then you can run title and check to see if they are owner of record. Use skip trace or White pages and 411.

Skip trace???

So this is a wait and see game. There’s no real way to ensure you actually have good data?

What about follow-up? Is there any sort of benchmark for “too much”? (i.e. after a couple letters & post cards …move on) I mean I’m hungry, but I don’t want to be a nuisance or offensive.