I found a motivated seller who is trying to sell his home as FSBO.He says he will not accept anything less than $285,000.I checked some comps online and the house is worth between 300k-325k.The house has a lot of upgrades but is 45 years old.I offered him $260k but he didn’t accept.What price should I offer him to make this deal work if I want to assign the contract?..Please Help!!

Try to find out his reason(s) for selling and see if you can throw in something that’ll take care of his desire to sell. Do you have financing lined up? Offer him a quick closing as well.

:cool OKAY real estate 101

  1. find out why he is selling /// his needs from this sale ???

2 ) how are you planning to pay for this buy ???

3 ) this is a big one GET A APPRASIAL to go with those comps

AND not a half a-- one a full meal deal then you will know just what you are dealling with !!! AS well then you will or should have the answer to your own question

This deal doesn’t have much equity. See if he wants to do a Sub 2, or some type of creative financing and then you may be able to wholesale it that way via assignment. Most investors will be looking for $260 and lower and $260K is pushing it to me.