:banghead :banghead :banghead Please help me understand today’s Southern :shocked :banghead CA. R/S markets I have two rental properties that I would like to expand. Both are nonperforming to date but I have plans to build non-medical health cares homes in both of them. One is a Triplex 6 bed 3 baths in Palmdale and the other is a single family home 3 beds one bath in Compton Ca. the triplex has enough room on its land to add new construction which would make it a four units. The Compton house has enough land space to build a 2500 SF. living space building, which can come out to 9 beds and 7 baths in the rear of house.
Now I’ve been studying but it seams I’m missing something because I find myself stuck. Now I have no other income so I’m looking into hard money - lenders or creative deal - makers to find monies so I can create a 3 years plan in utilizing all land space for these care homes on both properties. I have been thinking if I can pull money out of the both I would be able to buy a few rehabs and flip contracts in building capital for new construction.
I’m lost in this mix of landing companies they have sent out appraisers but of course my properties are coming in to low so they say. Compton is listed as a 2-bed room but it’s a three how did this happen I ask? “ Someone dropped the ball back in 79 when addition was failed.
[b][b][/b][/b] send me I will find it… :bs