I’ve had a chance to lurk in the background for a while and read the articles and observe activity on the site. I have to say I am impressed with the way you tend to help each other and the way you conduct yourselves. I’ve been a part of other forums and while they tended to have an interest in common they didn’t always treat each other with very much respect. So I’ve decided to become legitimate and join the site. I look forward to exchanging ideas with like minded and well mannered people. :smile
Real Estate was not my first career but the opportunities I see ahead make me wish I had transitioned much sooner. As my name suggests, I’m more interested in singles and doubles than trying to always swing for the fences. It’s hard work but it is truly fun so overnight success doesn’t drive me like it does some people. If I keep doing the right things, right, then success will come soon enough. I’m currently active in foreclosures and minor rehab/flipping but have an interest in whatever makes sense from a good risk/reward perspective. The ideas and comments on the forums have given me some good things to think about.