New Real Estate Investor with Lease Option

Hello. My name is Chantel Rich, I am 24 year old from Bx, New York. I came across Ron Legrand’s youtube videos about lease option aka Pretty House Business & I been sold since. I’ve been doing my due diligence by building my first asset which is knowledge which is apart of the reason i am here today. I will be a successful Real Estate Investor but currently don’t have a map of directions. I don’t know anyone i can go to to ask about real estate. I now reside in Albany, New York where I’m far away from home. I want to start an 24 hr automated business doing real estate lease option agreements to of course upscaling and eventually expanding into other areas of real estate. From One experience passionate investor to a newbie investor i humbly ask the best way to start my business in a poor class town with no money no credit not even a car. I have a ton of ambition, dedication, and hunger. Im young and eager to learn. Im starving for success like I’m taking my last breath. Where should I go? How can i form a team? Is my business even possible?

That’s the million dollar question. How to make a successful business with nothing more than determination and willpower. It’s going to take a significant time investment and focus to be sure.

To get started in a no money situation, I would say your best bet is to begin networking with other Investors in your area. They will be able to help you with their “tribal knowledge” about the local market. Do a search on for local REI clubs and go! You will meet all kinds of professionals for your team at these meetings from cash buyers to contractors to anyone involved in the business.

Chantel, I’m impressed with ur courage to come on this forum and ask for help. I was too stubborn or dumb or arrogant.
I thought I cud do it on my own. I did. Only because I decided that’s what I wanted to do and I was desperate, put a bit of desperation into the mix and with a do or die attitude you will make it happen.
I found wholesaling to be easier mainly because I was coming across more of those types of deals than the Sub to’s.
Stay focused, and motivated. 10% of ur success is the knowledge of how it’s done, 90% is the ability to keep going with all the disappointments and road bumps and negative people. Train your mind.

Hi, to be honest you only get what u put into anything.
Thats what I tell my 23 yo son and its the truth.

I have spent thousands not all at once but its starting to finally pay off.
I would say stop saying u have no money because if someone offered us a car and a house for a thousand dollars we would figure out how to borrow or save it or get a second and 3rd job.
Im an LPN I used to make 1,000 a week and my rent was 750 and my son was little, i had school loans and lots of expenses. Most Gurus offer payment plans for their courses and sales on Holiday ie 4th of July, Christmas thats when thry have specials.
Ill help you out. buy a 15$ track phone or set up google voice for free, buy some signs from Lowes, Home depot for 1$
start with 10 signs a week= 10$, put the google voice WHICH IS FREE on them.
Start watching flipman on youtube for free, attend your Real estate Assoc meeting for 10$ first visit.
I know its 10$ because im in the Philly,NJ,NYC Chapter and the first time attendees is 10-25$
Ron legrand course is 1$ google rons crazy dollar deal it might come up.

Start with a 10$ investment in your business, keep going.
save 100, then 200, then 500,
i picked up extra shifts, met a partner and shared the cost to get to a Ron Legrand Quikstart.
All things are possible to those who… BELIEVE.
Be blessed.
Good luck