Tring to find a real estate agent that understands investing in real estate where low offers will be presented 30%-50% off FMV in the MIssouri area or you tell me.
Leroy Davis
Who do the successful investors in the area use?
Most agents are housewives that need something to do so they get a license. They spend their time at the neighborhood garden club making contacts so that when one of the people in the neighborhood wants to sell their house they call her. You don’t want them, you want what I call an investment grade real estate agent. These are the guys that don’t drive around in the Lexus an dwear Prada shoes, but they drive an F-250 truck and wear workboots. These guys find deals. But how do you find them? I recommend your local real estate investor’s club. These guys are usually there standing in the back of the room with a cup of coffee in their hand. Even if they are not at the meeting, you need to go because if you are there you can ask the people attending who they use. As Keith said, “Who do the successful investors in the area use?”