Need Help Preparing a Development Pro Forma

I am a broker who aspires to become a developer. I am working on a few development deals and need to learn how to prepare a development pro forma. Any suggestions?

What kind of devlopment? Multifamily, office bldg, ?

Retail… single tenant development. ONe is a daycare/school the other is automotive.

I have been doing development proforma’s for a few years. My proforma’s are really detailed now. I keep adding to it to provide me with more and more information.

First Proforma: I suggest you go to and download a Profitability Sheet. In the excel book setup an assumptions sheet. The expense portion of the Profitability sheet will help in this area. The assumption sheet will cover everything from cost of buying to estimated sale price. Don’t forget to add in profits.

Once you have done this you can build onto this excel template. Make sure you keep a master copy so you can continue to use a clean proforma.