Need help finding an owner please!

I have been eyeballing a home for the past 6 months! That is how long the property has been vacant. I contacted the courthouse and got the owner’s info. I contacted the owner, but she said she gave up the house after her husband died. She didn’t know what happened or who owned it now, but she was with Countrywide. I have called Countrywide numerous times and they have no record of it. All they can tell me is to “wait” for it to post on the website or call back. My question–is there any way to find out how to purchase this property? I would like to recommend it to a buyer. It is in a good neighborhood too. :bobble

SOMEONE is paying the taxes on it. Get the plot number and keep an eye on the county web site. It’ll show up eventually.

Another thing to do is watch who cuts the grass, stop and as who is paying them

You can also send a postcard just to see if it gets forwarded.

I have a similar situation and I talked to every neighbor. They know nothing…but the grass gets cut. 2 years vacant. One neighbor told me the owner moved to her daughters house. I tracked her down thru

Still no movement, tho