Hey i need to get some rehab money and fast like in three weeks or less
I got a property in a will and it needs some work fast as in plumbing
The value is at about 70 k and it is free and clear was looking for some where in the 10 to 15 k
It would need to be hard/ private money as credit is crap
Property is in Washington state
ANY SUGGESTIONS, NEED help on this asap
Am I missng something here? You own the property outright, why the short time frame, what happens in three weeks? There are a ton of HML’s on this site, you can’t find one? I don’t see the problem.
Thank you one and all the funds have been recived
The three weeks thing was it is winter and to get some things done they need to be planed out and set up
Was the case here with the plumbing part of the deal is all it was