Need Advice for property investment in Edmonton!!!

Hi everybody, I had been to Edmonton for a while and found it a good deal to invest there. I am looking to invest in real estate but have no clues as to where can I get liable investment experts to guide me through this. I wonder if I can get some joint ventures there so that it will be a less risk for me to invest in a new place!!!

Your suggestions will make my work easy.


Start with the basics:
Education–read through these posts and check out your library for real estate investment books.

Good Credit–check your credit report and work on raising your score.

Downpayment–It’s much easier to buy something it you have some downpayment money. Later you can get fancy and do what the big boys on these posts are doing.

Most basic of all–an interest in real estate investing, and you already have that.

Good luck to you.
