Need active investors!! Cash buyers in Charlotte NC and beyond

   Hi everyone! I finally got into real estate investing process, been desiring for a very long time. A friend has adviced me to start out by driving neighborhood, interacting and talking to people, collecting info about F.S.B.O deals and forwarding them to active investor who are in the market shopping. Basically generating them leads on profit potential properties (Bird dogging). All just for a fee. He also taught me how to do the comps and run the numbers and makr sue they work before forwarding them to the investors. Well I've been doing just that. Right now, I have info on a lot of FSBOs, vacant properties that the owners are willing to give away far below market values.
   My problem is how to find these active investors here in Charlotte NC and beyond to work for. Please if you an investor and u need this service, or you know how I may find these cash buyers, please let me I know. I sure appreciate it. Please help me get started and become like one of yours. Thanks.

Run a free ad on Craigs list.
Also search for people looking for props.
There are a lot of people looking for wholesale deals.
I am a wholesaler myself here in South Carolina. Of course I accept deals from Aiken County- "to Upstate Greenwood, Greenville Counties.
Since you are in Charlotte, place little tiny inexpensive ads in your local penny savers + anywhere on line you can stick a FR.EE ad!
Take Care!