Need a quick rundown on Straight Options

Hi Everyone,

I’ve come across someone through my preforeclosure marketing that looks like they would be a good candidate to use a straight option with. Problem is, I don’t know how to use them. Can someone provide an overview on the process and a suggestion on the best form to use?


  • Jean

Pure Options are the height of simplicity. You tie up a property for the best price you can negotiate for an agreed to period of time. Then you hustle to find a buyer willing to pay you more than your option price and you profit from the difference. Or you can assign the option for an assignment fee.

Thanks for the info but I’ve got a couple more questions:

  1. When you find a buyer, do you sign a purchase and sales agreement with the seller and then assign it or does the new buyer sign a P&S with the seller? If the new buyer and seller sign, how do we get paid?

  2. Do you need to record a memorandum of option? If so and the option expires, what do you do with the recorded memorandum?

Basically, I need to know the process after we get a buyer.


  • Jean
1. When you find a buyer, do you sign a purchase and sales agreement with the seller and then assign it or does the new buyer sign a P&S with the seller? If the new buyer and seller sign, how do we get paid?
Depends upon whether or not you assign your deal or set up a double close. There are a number of ways to do this, depending upon the deal, the participants, and the title company/attorneys/lender.
2. Do you need to record a memorandum of option? If so and the option expires, what do you do with the recorded memorandum?
You aren't required to record a memo, but there is no down side to doing so. When the option expires, so does the memo.