nastiest video of tenant conditions ever

I’ve stumbled into a lot of stomach-turning sights on the internet, and seen a lot of filthy places, but this video I found of a landlord of 30 years showing how bad a property can be trashed by a tenant honestly made me nautious.

Its absolutely disgusting, I’m not kidding. (And turn your speakers down at first, it makes a loud squeal at the start)

The comments under the video are all about proper tenant screening, and the “related” videos are pretty horrible too, including a news report about a landlord finding a mummified body under garbage in a bathtub.

I think I’m going to just deal with commercial…

So as the guy said, the video was made on the October 3rd 2007.
I’m betting it was available for rent for November!

A dumpster, a 4 guy thrash-out and clean up crew, a thorough cleaning and he’s back in business.

Yummy! Wow, I about gagged on that too.