I am new into the rental business probably making mistakes right and left :). This is my situation. I was silly enough to let my renters continue living in teh house for few months due to his financial difficulties (they owe me now arround $3.5k) … .yes … I was silly. The have been in the last months paying me $200 extra a month to try to catch up. The situation is now that they divorced, my legal tenant (the wife) left teh house, the husband stays in the house. The husband has agreed to proceed with his $200 to cover the 1/2 of teh $3.5K they owed me … so I am considering continue renting to him. The issue is what legal recourse I have against her … she abandoned my house without even telling me (she was my tenant) … I have her phone number and work address. Can I take this to small claim court? Or simply sign some type of legal payment agreement/contract with each of them? Or I lost my money ? I have no idea how to proceed. I appreciate any guidance on this.
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