My First Lonnie Deal

I ordered Lonnie’s books from him a few weeks ago. Last night my husband and I purchased our first mobile home! Here in NY I had to get approved to buy homes in each park I wanted to do business in. That meant them pulling a credit report and I will have to have a security deposit on file. We are developing a good working relationship with the park manager and told them we will just leave the security deposit on file for additional deals after we sell this home.
We bought a 1978 3/1.5 14 x 70. It is in great shape with all new carpet and vinyl. The kitchen is nice and the bath has a nice new tub and surround. All appliances are being left as is some nice looking furniture. The couple are closing are a house on 6/15 and we will take possession and pay the balance around the end of June when we take possession. I found a $1000 negotiating point in the form of being flexible with the closing date if their house did not close on time- they have a new baby and do not want to be homeless.
I’m going to get started on specific ads and calling my list of buyers from my generic ads I have been running. I will report back with a reporting of numbers when we sell this one. We bought good, but not great. I thought it was important to get one smooth deal under our belts. Then we can toughen up with negotiating.
This feels good and we can’t wait to do more!! ;D


Congrats on getting the ‘first one’ done – it is most usually the hardest because it involves a leap of faith from your comfort zone into the ‘unknown’…sell right and you will be on to your next!

Lots-O-Luck on future deals!


Thanks! I’ll be sure to post my outcome as soon as it closes.

great job! now get the buyer!

and keep going and going and going and going - just like the bunny!