My partner and I looked at some properties yesterday and we found one we really liked. It is 170k, and we plan on putting around 70k into it, and selling it for 305-315k. We believe our holding time will be around 7 to 9 months. And estimate closing costs around 7k. IF my calculations are right our costs will be
Holding costs and taxes 1,100 x 9mos - 9,900
Closing costs - 7,000
Supplies 70,000
Total money put out 86,900
Minus 6% realtor fees when sellin
According to my calculations this shows that we will make around 200k, before taxes. This seems way to high. What am I not accounting for here?
OK, yes I know i did not subtract the original purchase price and forgot to include that as a sub question. In holding costs you calculate in your mortgage payments, if you are subtracting the full purchase price at the end. Sorry if it seems ridiculous, but I’m no mortgage guru.
Sorry if you already knew this, but I wasn’t sure from your reply. You subtract mortgage payments made and total purchase price because the amount of principle on the original loan that is paid off in the first 9 months is negligible. You are mostly paying interest.
so, most of you are implying that i should include rehab costs in the 70% arv calculation? so the 70% arv = (purchase price + rehab costs + holding costs)