Mortgage Brokers

For financing would mortgage brokers be a good bet or not? Do they find hard money lenders for you? Which would be better- a mortgage broker or HML?

A good mortgage broker that specializes in HELPING investors would have access to both if your broker does not then you are dealing with the wrong broker.

In a article in The Utah mortgage press stated that Brokers prove to he the better bet The study showed consumers pay lower rates with mortgage brokers.

visit the article at

I agree with Laura. Be careful, though, there are many shady mortgage brokers out there.

RJ Baxter

The key is to find a trust worthy broker. If you go directly to the lender and speak with an account executive you are limited to what you will be offered. A broker has access to many more programs. Your best bet would be to find a broker and have a few conversations to feel them out. If you go to the investor network ad section of this website you might be able to find a few located in your state.