Mortgage Broker Board or Association?

Is there such a thing as an association or board where we can find a list of all official Mortgage Brokers for a particular area? I’m looking for a list of Brokers so that I can shop around. Individual brokers please do not say “call me I can help you with your loan” I am really looking for a LIST of brokers.

Is there such a thing as an association or board where we can find a list of all official Mortgage Brokers for a particular area? I'm looking for a list of Brokers so that I can shop around.

Most Mortgage Brokers are multi-state licensed. There may be brokerage firms that are based in or around your area. However, being based in a particular area does not necessarily mean that they do business there. I know of several firms that do not do ANY business in their home State.

State Boards list licenses. However, brick and mortar (a.k.a a physical presence) is not required in all states.

Your best bet is to ask for referrals from fellow investors or just start shopping.

Good Luck!

I’m a bit confused by your message, but I will try to help.

It sounds a list of brokers is to mean you are seeking a list of lenders/investors in which to shop your loans around to. Is that what you mean?

Do you want a list of subprime, ALT-A, and A paper wholesale investors?


Scott Miller

EZLOANZ I am a little confused by your response to the question posed by GYPSYDOGG.


Is there such a thing as an association or board where we can find a list of all official Mortgage Brokers for a particular area?


It sounds a list of brokers is to mean you are seeking a list of lenders/investors in which to shop your loans around to. Is that what you mean?
:huh It would appear that they are looking for Mortgage Brokers in their area. I did not see the mention of Lenders/investors.
Do you want a list of subprime, ALT-A, and A paper wholesale investors?

I may have missed it, but, I didn’t see any request for loan types mentioned in the post. :rolleyes

It may just be me…but, it looks like an attempt to solicit some business?

Just go to
That’s the Nat’l Assoc of Mortgage Brokers

Great idea Susan!

Here is the link:

It still does not solve the issue of whether they do business in the State in which they are located. As I mentioned previously, the best way is to get a referral from someone you trust.

Good luck in your search, Gypsydogg. :beer

Yes this is what I mean. Thanks for clarifying. I have no idea what the heck subprime, Alt-A, or A paper wholesale investors are…please do explain… :eek
