Member Blogs

Does the site allow a member to post a personal blog? If a moderator could let me know or remove this post if not.
If so which forum?


If not, lets work on letting them, I think its a great idea. Happy Holidays Michael

I agree. I have seen a lot of other forums allow blogs.

I haven’t seen any blogs on this site … yet

The problem with blogs is that many are abandoned within 3-6 months. I write for 3 national blogs and run my own. It takes a lot of work to keep them up.

Personally, I think they clutter up the site.

Bah humbug…sorry.

If someone wants to blog…then get your own web hosting and advertise the blog in your byline underneath your posts.

You allow one…then you’ve got 15 blogs vying for attention.

The core of the forums area should be kept to the exchanging of information…not dominance via blogging.


I guess the site doesnt allow Blogs… It would have been nice to know before I started writing one but…

Wonder why?

Can’t beat that answer…