I love this website…I’ve spent hours and hours reading, absorbing, writing down notes on all the various websites that people have listed in their forums or responses…

Question for the moderators/Webmaster: Is there a way to maintain a master listing of all these hundreds/thousands of different websites, broken down into categories, so that we can click through and see what could be useful to us?..Whenever somebody recommends a website (whether a Gov’t. site for finding laws or foreclosures, or something like, which I saw in one reply), they could click somewhere on the website to suggest adding it, then the moderator can approve/disapprove…

The IT Dept. would obviously have to get involved here, and somebody would have to be responsible for categorizing, verifying that the websites are useful, etc.

Think that’s doable/useful?

i think that’s a great idea…possible…but might be time consuming and i think i’ve heard that all the mods here are volunteers anyway so…don’t know how likely that might be…

I’m sure it’d be time consuming for the IT guru to set up, but once we have a decent list compiled, with categories made, maybe not too bad to maintain…Mods could take turns reviewing the sites for appropriateness?

Everybody loves free labor!!! :biggrin

Someone posted a list of helpful websites organized by type of business. That list was deleted the next day. Perhaps one of the moderators will tell us why.

Maybe has something to do with the rule of not promoting specific companies, etc.?..I just figured when a site is listed in a reply that it’d be okay to add it to a master list…

any input mods?