Marketingbyhand Human handwriting company vs. Yellow letters

Our January through February data is in where we ran a comparison. was cheaper but and their handwriting services blew them away in terms of results. I was skeptical at first, but for our targeted probate, heir assignment, foreclosure leads, using human beings through marketingbyhand outperformed yellow letters by 3 to 1, even though they were a bit more expensive. I can’t rave about them enough. My husband is using them now in his insurance business.

We used propelio for the leads but I think they only cover a few counties in Texas.


You are not leveraging the true potential of marketing and ROI. There is no better lead generation system than getting your own website and ranking that site 1 on google. The mistake many investors make is they compare method A to method B, while both methods are extremely bad. Paying for leads? No way! I get my leads for free, I don’t have to spent time and effort on marketing and I don’t have to worry about hand written vs non handwritten.
By all means do what you need to do to get deals NOW, but while this is going on, invest in a more sustainable way of getting high quality leads!