Marketing to attorneys

I would like to get some feelings on marketing to attorneys such as divorce,estate/probate, bankruptcy and foreclosure assistance attorneys. Has anyone done this? If so what does the attorney expect in return, is it legal to pay them or are they satisfied with being able to help out their clients?

I recently went to the library and using reference USA downloaded all the BK and divorce attorneys in my local area! FREE! then did a wave mailer 4 letters over a 4 weeks and each week i used different size envelopes to help stand out in the mail! I just got a refferal for a foreclosure bail out from an attorney that i never met or spoke with! all it took was a total of 80 letters! and he doesn’t want Anything but to help his desperate client! after i send out my next 20 letters i am actually going to stop by and introduce myself! they should surely know my name by then! I may call first haven’t decided yet. Remember nationally it takes about 8 contacts before a deal so don’t get discouraged after you sent out one batch of letters!

Mortgages, Good Job. Sounds like that is a good avenue. I’m sure it is a lot less competitive also.

Also, how did you word your letters to the attorneys?

I sent a menu of items:
foreclosure bail outs
home settlement disputes
houses bought quick for cash

the thing is i sent different letters everytime some like a menu others a short letter. you got to stay in there face so they remember you, it’s all about timinig. It also helps alleviate the cold introduction. there is 20 of these types of attorneys in my town that’s alot it’s worth the investment to send letters every couple of weeks. Oh by the way these are proffessionals so present yourself as such. Nice linen paper and proffesionally designed materials is key! Office visits- bust out the suit!


Have you purchased the Marketing to Attorneys ebook by Gerhard Cronje?


No I haven’t. Please send me a link. I am always interested in new marketing ideas.

Here’s the link…

Is the “Marketing to Attorney’s” course worth the money? Has anyone used it? What was your results?