Making a political difference

I try not to argue politics too much on here, simply because it’s a waste of my time. The biggest way to make a difference as an individual in politics, is not voting. It is contributing campaign money to good candidates. Two VERY pro liberty people that I have given thousands to already, Peter Schiff for senate in CT. and Rand Paul (ron pauls son) senate for KY. I think Rand has this one in the bag already, but Peter needs help. He is having a Mayday Money bomb May 1st, if you aren’t familiar with him, check out some youtube clips. The peter schiff was right is a good one to watch. He is a “libertarian leaning” republican. Whether you are on the left or the right, it’s hard not to agree this is a stand up guy to have in office. He is an accomplished investor who truly knows and follows Austrian Economics.

Please contribute this Saturday.