magnetic car signs

Especially when your sign says:

Investor Seeks Apprentice
Earn $20,000-$50,000 a month
then your phone number.

That’s what me and my investors are doing on a monthly basis.

We are generating huge money with our opportunity.


Sounds like a shameless plug to me.

If you only

If you only .

I doubt you will embarass anyone but yourself if you continue posting. I have no doubt that people in this program could make 20-50k a month. While that is all great, how about you provide a list of all the “student” who have lost their shirt. I also have no doubt that there are people behind the scenes sucking newbies dry.

Did I understand correctly when you said they take 50% of the grunts net profit? A real estate education company would charge flat and reasonable fees for education and not tie the naive student up with giving away 50% of the net profit. This has all of the characteristics of any other MLM scheme.

Yes, I have read Rich Dad Poor Dad. Is that the level of education NRU provides? Your ads should say “Make 20k-50k a month with us, or read Rich Dad books and make twice as much”

It’s funny that you provide a link to your adult myspace page to prove your legitimacy. The only people you will impress with your advertising are those who don’t know any better. Believe it or not I have no interest in flying to Chicago, Miami, California, or Arizona to ask people if they are making 50k a month before they give up half to the leech company.

I co-sign what you said. I couldn’t sleep at night doing that to people…50%?!? Jeez.

And, I can’t even take you serious with a web presence like MySpace for your official website…just my $0.02. Your whole deal seems too used car-salesmanish…

As for car signs…I think they’re a worthy investment. I mean…they cost nothing compared to what you can make from them…but then again I’m only speaking on my own personal experience.

I had some professionally designed (pictured below), and then went to Kinkos and had them made for $69.99. Not crap either, nicely done, UV-Coated material, and very durable! They still look brand new.

Anyways, my point being…I get many calls from them! I haven’t made a ton of deals…maybe not even 2 or 3, but I am positive of one deal I made from those signs, because a landlord actually saw me driving, and they followed me into a parking lot and stopped me!

They can be really effective I think…but not everyone has the same results obviously.

I say…get some! And good luck!!! If you want to get information on having some professionally designed, PM me and I can get you in touch with my designer.


For those of you that haven’t gathered it already, “Tony Chicago” is among the NR “annointed” (OK maybe not annointed - maybe just screwed over)…I have deleted as many of his advertisements as I have been able to find. His incessant ads are an attempt to find new suckers for NR and add to the pyramid/Ponzi scheme in order to recoup some of the funds that NR has taken from him…my recommendation: if he offers you Kool-Aid, don’t drink it!



Time for the banhammer!


What is more visible/cost effective…magnetic signs or window decals? Or for the few extra bucks should someone get both? What do large window decals cost?

/attempting to get this train back on the track.

Once again I advocate using a moving LED sign from of which I have no monetary interest in. It costs about $200. The only problem is the occasional tailgater who has bad eyesight and has to get close to read it. It gets the looks.