Loss Mitigators.....Whats wrong with them

I’ve been working on a Short Sale for about 3 months now.

I have been waiting on a answer form the LM for about a month and a half.

Every time I talk to him he says it should be any day now.

Sometimes I have to call in and have someone email him, he’ll say he’ll call me back and he NEVER does.

I talked to him last week and he said go ahead and get ready for closing.

He said he wants it closed by the end of the month, but I’m still waiting on thecectance.

He’s real nice but he doesn’t communicate good.

I know it will go threw, but when?

I was just wondering do most Loss Mitigators do this?

Can you do an assignment of contract on a short sale?

I was going todo a double closing.


Howdy Certified FMM:

I have the same problem with the LM’s. I have given up on several deals and told they to take the property and shove it. It is hard to tell if they are lazy or stupid or both or just have no decision making power or just perhaps too busy. I have gotten the no response no care attitude over and over again. I finally got an answer from one of them and it was a no. I always ask for a superior to call me and they never call either. Once they did call and just referred me back to the same person.

I see no reason you can not sell the contract unless the contract forbids it.


Thanks for the reply Tedjr,

I cannot assign the contract because the homeowner owes WAY more than what it is worth.

Trust me I would if I could!!!