“My problem with people that are so anti-Obama, is that you all act like he’s blatantly ruining this country”
Whether he’s blatantly doing it or not, if he is ruining the this country, that is not a good thing…
BECAUSE people recognize the two parties are corruptable, they instinctively KNOW what is going on is a BAD THING… and people are NOT happy with it… or to put it another way - they are mad as hell and they are not going to take it anymore… the difference is their signs tell why they are mad… the overwhelming MAJORITY of the signs were in opposition to the government CONTROLLING everything from cradle to grave at a VERY HIGH cost monetarily AND the personal liberty…
The MORE you let the government CONTROL things the LESS free you are, and the LESS chance you have to remove their influence from your life… It is SO ludicrous that the government has now put CONTROLS on GARAGE-SALES!!!
So, to make $100-$300 bucks, people are going to have to RESEARCH everything they are selling to make it sure it is not on a government watch list, if not, you are FINED (never mind the lunacy in policing it)… My neighbor is having a garage sale today… I wonder how many things she looked up… :rolleyes
As usual, excellent points…
We hear this phrase alot from both sides, but what this phrase really boils down to is FREEDOM from government… The more you let the government take from you or others to “help” you, the MORE you are enslaved to how THEY want YOU to live… and people are not only OK with this (althoug still a minority, but growing), you have people INVITING the government to do so… :banghead
So while our HISTORY is being re-written to say we are a democracy (we are not a democracy, we are a Representative Republic), our treasure is TAKEN by the government to pay not only for their ill-concevied programs full of waste, fraud and abuse, taking the decision of what we use our money for, but also there FAT salaries, pensions, healthcare, etc… Instead of calling for their political HEADS, more and more are lining up for a handout from the government… GIVING them MORE control and power… :banghead
This is NOT how our country was founded, nor is it what we stand for… LET’S TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!!!
After the constituational convention, when asked of Ben Franklin what form of government was created, he said - “A republic, if you can keep it” - indeed
And people say it is an overstatement that we are LOSING our country… it really is an understatement, as the argument can be made that we have already LOST our country… getting it BACK will be the struggle…