Looking for REI mentor in Idaho!

Hello everyone. My name is Forrest. I am looking for a mentor in Idaho. I’m not really a beginner. I have purchased several rental properties. However, I haven’t purchased anything in several years and I want to get back to it. I would love to have a mentor again! If you know of anyone in south-east Idaho let me know please! Where I live there aren’t even REI clubs, it’s horrible.
I will work for free for the right person!

are you good with a loader?


this guy might need a little…scratch that…little…lotta help:



good luck in your search.



Have you tried to place an ad on Craigslist or read through Craigslist looking for wholesalers or agents who are knowledgeable? Or the local paper? Or talk to a real estate agent who works with investors? Good luck!

You can start on Craiglist. Professionals will really help you get back on track.