Looking for nationwide HM lenders with flexible rates

I’m looking for HM lenders nationwide to be referred to for potential clients whom need to use them to do structure refinancing after their mortgage loan is repealed in an administrative or legal action…

Any ideas on the best way to research this…?? is there a referral site you guys know of that can be used for a client to just connect to in their areas first and that have the lending criteria…

Thanks for any and all information…

Have you tried the HM lenders list to the left of this post under Investor Resources?

Hi Coltrust07

Can you help me our here, I’m not familiar with structure refinancing when the mortgage is repealed in an administartive or legal action?

Can you give me more details as to how that works, are the borrowers behind on the mortgage or have they been behind in the last 2 years?

If I get more details I might have some info. that could help you?

Thanks again

Well guys actually if you are looking for an accurate Hard Money Lenders nationwide with flexible rate why not try visit the www. rehabhardmoney.com. It might help! :cool

Thanks for your interest and honestly I find it very interesting myself.

Well I do not do it myself ,however a 3rd party company whom is affiliated with use does and I will email you some information on it and sorry I would not wish to put out false or incorrect information to REI members.
Just to give you a basic overview this company does an administrative action in researching the loan to find out if they violated the truth in lending statement or RESPA laws and deals with how the loan was serviced and changing hands and goes to if the lender can produce the original documents…and not all are successful but I believe in how loans were done and you being in the loan industry would know that many were done incorrectly seeing how successful this company is becoming at this…

I will check the board which I did not so thanks for that regarding HM lenders…
My specialty is investing via land trusts and how to use them creatively in your real estate investing.

Thanks for your time and help…