Looking for Granite countertops

Where can I get the best buy on granite countertops for a rehab that I

am selling. Thought I read but cant find on here where they could be

gotten for around 895. Help Please??


Please, I am sure someone has installed or bought granite or granitcrete??? About how much a sq ft or where can I get the best price??? :help :help

Lowe’s and HD have certain colors for about $50/sq ft for granite or the other solid surface counters they sell. I think they’re called silestone or something like that.

I would contact a few local kitchen and bath retailers/wholesalers. They typically get a better price from the actual fabricators and can pass along the savings to you. Most stores will have a sales person that would be happy to work with you. There are also a few other factors that come into play in the price of your granite, thickness 3cm (1 1/4") standard, or 2cm which would be less expensive and might be better for a simple kitchen layout.
Good luck

I’ve seen some good deals advertised on craigslist for $29/sq ft… Since these tend to be local contractors/suppliers it should be easier to check them out and avoid scams…

Our local Home Depot sells pre-edged standard sized granite slabs at very reasonable prioces, but that means either you have the tools and skills to install yourself or you must hire someone to install.


I buy granite tile. You can get tile for $1.99/sqft. Put the backer board on the counter and install the tile on top of that. When you install, don’t leave gaps. Put it in flush. It leaves a tiny crack and looks really good for 1/3 the slab cost.

Depending on how much you need, you can get leftover remnants for free from installers. I did that in my bathroom. I paid them to cut and install it but the materials had already been paid for by someone else.

Of course with granite the cutting, edging, etc. can be pricey. An undermount sink will be much more to prep for than an overmount.

And granite comes in slab and prefab. The prefab will have a bullnose and a backspash and be cheaper, but colors will be limited.

Is this for a bathroom or kitchen?

If a kitchen, what type of design… U, galley, L, straight-run?

Length needed?

About 60 sf and I got a price at lowes for a few granite colors 39.00 sq ft installed, thats about 2650. I was hoping someone had idea cheaper than that for less for a kitchen. Thanks

Ideas for cheaper granite:

  1. Prefinished slabs from Home Depot. You’ll need to know the size and layout of the kitchen so you can figure how many slabs you’ll need to buy. Then you’lll need to know if you can install yourself or know the price for installation.

  2. Remnants from your local granite installer.

  3. Granite tile.

The answers are right in front of you but you’re actually going to need to pick up the phone, get in your car, and do some leg work. There’s no magic wand that we can wave and all the work disappears!



How many sf does not answer what type of design it is… U, galley, L, straight-run? Once I have this answer, I can give you some suggestions…

I got $4k+++ worth of 3cm granite & 3 new sinks done for ~$1500 recently. Checkout Craigslist, and shop around. I found a contractor who paid for everything up front - including materials & installation - and he didn’t get a penny from me until everything was signed off on. That’s a guaranteed way to make sure you don’t get ripped off. =)

FYI - remember you pay for granite by the square foot. So an $895 job could mean anything, in regards to how much counterspace is installed. A small kitchen will be cheap, while a big one will be more expensive. Also 2cm granite is cheaper than 3cm granite (that’s the thickness), but it doesn’t look as good as the thicker/normal stuff. 2cm granite does have it’s place though. Remants are a good idea, and also certain types of granite is/are always cheaper than other kinds. Do a little shopping around or have a granite guy come to your location and show you want he has at X price.

The key thing is to find a guy who will do X amount of square feet of 3cm granite for $20-25 a square foot, vs $45-55 a square foot like some of those early 2000’s priced contractors still charge. LOL.

Of course with granite the cutting, edging, etc. can be pricey. An undermount sink will be much more to prep for than an overmount.

I was just looking at a website www.marblewarehouse.com with the granite tiles going from $4.00 to $10.00 I didn’t know you can get this stuff so cheap.

If you are industrious… check this site out…
