Looking for Bird Dogs in Arizona and other Southern States!

I am looking for Bird Dogs in the Phoenix Arizona, and other warm Southern USA states. Where would be the best place to look for them?

By now, most bird dogs owners have heard about the rattlesnake vaccine for canines that has been on the market since November 2004.

By now, most bird dogs owners have heard about the rattlesnake vaccine for canines that has been on the market since November 2004.

Allllll Righty then! :rolleyes

You can find them by posting an advert in the Real Estate Services section of Craigslist.org

I would also look at employment papers and place an ad where the people email you.

Set that up with Aweber to remind them weekly about their bird dog commitment and start watching the leads come in.

Andy Proper created a good piece of software to help manage this.