Looking for best idea for temporary housing

Hi, I was looking for some ideas for temporary housing (six months to a year) in a small town. We have had a sudden need for living quarters, but have no apartment buildings in the area, or housing of any kind. There are a few lots to be had that could possibly serve for sites for travel trailers, possibly to serve until housing could be built. There is a serious need for housing and we would like to get some ideas on how to provide it. We would appreciate any good advise on this. Thanks.

Hi Swimmer97,

In a small town, if there are older larger buildings, these may serve as a ‘hostel’ . . . you can go online and learn how these work.

For example, an old hotel building or even an old warehouse that could be converted to the hostel concept. Depending on where you’re located, they can be pretty profitable if you can get listed on the hostel sites.

Good luck . . . let us know how it goes.
