Looking for a Wholesaling Mentor

I am new wholesaling, and I am looking for someone to mentor me. How would I go about doing that? My local real estate investment club is small and there is no one even in there that knows what wholesaling is. Thank you in advance for any help or direction.

In order for someone you mentor you they have to be doing what you want to do. You can’t be mentored for flipping by someone that is doing buy and hold, etc. I had a lady call me one. I asked her how she found me and she said she looked in the Greensheet and looked for ads of people that were obviously investors and started calling them. You may want to try that

Wow. Now that’s a small club!

No competition!!


Where are you located? What books have you been reading?

I am in Arizona. I have listened to just about every useful podcast out there on the subject. I have bought the Cris Chico’s home study. I have read a lot of forums and misc. literature online. I have not bought anyone’s book on the subject but have read lots on it.

I don’t know any WS investors in that area, but there is still lots of good info out there. Sometimes is just harder to find these days.