looking 4 mentor that would like to take their time to help land first deal?

I’ve checked out alot of info and ebooks but I just havent had the extra cash due to bills and a wife off work for injury to purchase any packages to get the nety grety details and forms and stuff I would love to but it would have to wait. Where should I look for someone who I could Mentor with?. It would be worth it to me to have hands on training from a knowledgeable person. I know this sounds pretty needy but I’d rather head for a fail safe investment being a nooby… Any help or Ideas would be praised thank you Rollie… :cool

PM me if you wish.


What state and city do you live and invest in?


Battle Creek,Mi thanks for the response
Rollie C.

rollie go to peter vekselman.com or find him on face book he may help you for a price talk to him if he cant he may know somebody who will good luck

I can help you get started…

There are a few options, pm me if you want a solid plan.