The following letter is starting to appear in mailbox of tenants around our great city - just another reason I’m thinking of moving to a more landlord friendly state. I find this offensive, I wonder what tenants are thinking.
Dear Residential Tenant:
On January 23, 2007, the Lancaster City Council adopted the Residential
Rental Property Inspection Program. The purpose of the program is to
ensure that residents of rental units are afforded decent, safe and
sanitary housing.
City staff will accomplish the objectives of the program by conducting
inspections of the interior and exterior areas of residential rental
properties and the yards. As a general rule, property owners will be
required to correct prohibited conditions of the residential rental
As a resident, your consent for the inspection of the interior and
exterior areas of the residential rental property and yards is
requested. Please confirm your permission by signing the consent form
that is on page two of this document.
You are welcome to be present during the inspection. Your landlord or
an agent may also be present.
City staff will conduct the inspection in the shortest possible time
while properly performing their duties. They may take photographs of
conditions in the interior and exterior areas of the residential rental
property and yards, that are, or may be, contrary to state and local
You will receive a copy of the City’s correction notices once the City’s
investigation is completed.
You have a right to deny consent for a City inspection. In this event,
City staff may apply to the superior court for an inspection warrant
(i.e., a court order that requires the City to inspect your premises
without your consent). In cases where a reasonable belief exists that a
very hazardous, unsafe or dangerous condition may be present, City staff
may enter your premises without an inspection warrant.
If you have any questions concerning the Program, or this document,
please call Joyce Foxworth, Administrative Aide, Code Enforcement
Division at (661) 723-6172.