Loan officer in need of commercial lenders...

State: California
Amount: $1,150,000
LTV: 80%
Property type: Commercial
Documentation: Full
FICO: 720+
Occupancy: Non-Owner Occupied
Loan purpose: Purchase
Debt-to-income ratio: 45/55
Desired program: 30-year fixed

Hello friends. I am looking a the top 3-4 commercial lenders for A+ paper products for an office building in Southern California.

What lenders do you all recommend? Thank you!!

Have you tried You can sign on as a broker and lenders will help you get the loan through.

The only ones I know is Silverhill and Greenpoint, but I will give these guys a try! :slight_smile: Any others you recommend?

Need to know what the NOI, DSCR and Operating Expenses…Borrower DTI doesn’t come into play with commercial lending; the DTI of the property (DSCR) is used in its place.


Scott Miller

Don’t do c-loans! What a rip off. Go to the scotsmans guide commercial lender search and go direct to the lender. Make your full point instead of the .250 scrap that c-loans will give you.