Listsource, listgiant, what others?

Are there any other similar sites out there?

Or could someone give me an idea of what to google to find sites like this? “demographic lists” and the like don’t take me there

You don’t need anything besides listsource. Just make sure you confirm that the list has been abstracted recently, and the information isn’t old.

Listsource will tell you when the information was last abstracted (collected).

Trying to cut costs by choosing the lowest bid on lists, is like going with the lowest bid on a brain surgeon. Sure anyone can saw open your skull, but the one who’s trying to reference “Brain Surgery For Dummies” on his Kindle, and scrapes on your brain, is the one that’ll leave you conscious inside a parallel universe speaking Mandarin Chinese. That is, until they pull your Chinese self off life support.

Translation: You’re gonna waste a fortune on postage using bargain list providers.

BTW, we use which automatically sifts out bad addresses before the mail is sent. The problem is, we don’t know who they individually sift out. However, we still get the undeliverables and returned to senders, returned to us, so we can update our current lists.


You tha man javipa, list source it is


Another good thing about listsource, is that you can update lists, using identical sifting criteria, without paying for an entire new list.

Two questions:

  1. If is the best, why do you use Click2Mail?

  2. Have you ever tried purchasing data directly from the Property Appraiser? I would assume that’s where Listsource and the like get their info from.

Click2Mail solves for any obsolete data, regardless of the source.

However, it makes no sense to feed a bunch of junk addresses to Click2Mail does it?

You never know what records will become obsolete before the next mailing. Meantime, you continue culling out known undeliverables from your primary list, and rely on Click2Mail to sift out the rest.

I seem to be confused.

Doesn’t Listsource give out only good addresses?

I thought Listsource and Click2Mail were the same type of thing.

Are you 100% positive that my addresses that I just got. from the property appraisers would have so many obsoletes?

I have used rebogateway in the past.

You can also contact an agent and/or a title insurance company in your area to pull information via “Realist”. If you plan on doing this all the time, it would be wise to invest in Listsource.