Listing agent says I can't see property ?

I’ve been discussing a couple of properties with a listing agent. Both are duplexes, owned by the same person, and appear physically similar. The listing agent said that I would be able to see one but not the other? I know that building I can see is empty but not certain on the details of the other (we’ve been in contact via email and I haven’t asked WHY I’m not able to see the other building).

Any ideas what’s up with this situation? I’m certainly gonna ask but wanted to get an idea from the pros here in the event that the agent tries to feed me some BS.

PS: We haven’t talked specifics about the day to see either place, so it can’t be something like not having enough notice.

Thanks in advance!


We really need some more info to properly answer your question. Just politely ask the sales agent why you’re unable to see the other property, maybe there was just some miscommunication or something, keep us updated.

I have seen in the past where people have been hesitant to let you view a property that has tenants in it. But I would believe that most of these cases can be worked out somehow to allow you into the property… As JakeRodgers mentioned, let us know what the agent says. Thanks!

Most likely there would be tenants, but that doesn’t usually mean they wouldn’t show it. Sometimes i’ve seen listings that say they’ll only show the inside with an accepted offer…

Let us know when you find out why

I can’t believe anyone would submit an offer without seeing the inside of a place.

Would you buy a car without a test drive? Then why would you buy a property without seeing the inside of it?

Find out more details, try again to see the interior. If the seller keeps balking, and won’t let you see the property, walk away. Period.

I would get a little more clear with the listing agent. There is no way that a listed property can’t be shown. Who the heck is going to buy a property that they can’t even see the inside of?

I recently purchased my first property, a 4 family home. The listing agent didn’t want to show me two of the units. He told me that all of the units were the same. I told him I wouldn’t make an offer until I saw the other units. In the end, one unit was definitely not as nice as the other two and one unit was trashed.


I agree 100% that you HAVE to see the property before you can buy. My current theory is that the property owner (who owns the two nearly, identical (from the outside anyway) properties) would prefer to sell the vacant one first.

Anyway, I’m gonna try to see the property yet this week and ask the agent for specifics when we meet face to face. I’ll post any findings here.



I can’t think of a property that I have bought that I saw the inside of before I made the offer. There is a due diligence time frame once your offer is accepted (5 days to 2 months). During that time you are going to be allowed to go in with your inspectors appraisers etc. They don’t want people just kicking the tires trample through the property.

After you have it inspected they expect you to adjust your offer based on what you find.

Yeah, if you have an inspection period in place …which is pretty standard then you are protected at least during that period.

Since all of your offers won’t be accepted, this saves some time…especially if the property is a little far away from you.

For homes that sell quickly… cheaply priced REO homes in certain area…I don’t think there is a enough time to schedule to see a property you have to deal with your schedule and the agents schedule…by that time there very likely will be an accepted offer on it already.

On the other hand …it is nice to know if the property is something you definitely don’t want , so that is the advantage of seeing before buying.