Lis Pendens

Hello- first of all i would like to thank everyone for posting and giving the education i need to be a future real estate success.
I am in college and i am looking for some extra money. i have been reading the post on this site for quite a while and feel that i am ready to turn my knowledge into practice.
First of all i am interested in pursuing pre-forclosure properties. i have read luciers book (pre-foreclosure toolkit) and flipping properties by bronchnick. My problem is that i live in nassau county new york. THe county clerics office here is completely disorganized and the computer system is next to impossible to use. I have subscribed to many of the websites such as realty trac and found that many times the listings are dated. If someone would be ble to help me find a good listing of lis-pendens in the new york (nassau county) area i would greatly appreciate it.
Second of all i was wondering if anybody in the nassau was willing to let me help him out in the investment field (scouting properties, dealing with owners, and deoing due diligence) I am extremely motivated and know that if given a task i will succeed.

Thanks so much for your help,

Follow Ups:

From Maryland and curious - what is “lis-pendens”?

Another good book is Buy It, Fix It, Sell It, Profit! by Myers.

Lis pendens is means that there is a foreclosure pending. when somebody doesnt pay there mortgage payments the lender files a notice of pendens (lis pendens) with the county court at this point the borrower has a certian amount of time (dependent on the state he lives) to reinstate his loan.

thanks for the info!