Lis Pendens...

??? ???I live in Ohio, and for the LIFE of me, CANNOT find Lis Pendens for any properties. I even tried searching records for properties that I KNEW were in foreclosure. If these are not public record, then does ANYONE know how I can find pre-foreclosures? I’ve been reading, learning, talking, and thinking for about a year straight, and I am so ready to go I’m near psychosis ;D! Any help would be MUCH appreciated. thx :slight_smile: -Chris

Find out where and when the sales are. Here in Travis County, Texas (Deed of Trust state) sales happen the first Tuesday of every month. There are at least two companies that track the postings and print them and post on line too. Something like $40 per month. I believe the list is available today or tomorrow for the Feb 3rd sale. If you have the sheriff type sales it may be a bit different. Look in all the newspapers and check the courthouse walls. It may have to be posted in those two places too. I am having some luck too with MLS listings too here in Austin. Just bought a condo that was posted for $56,000 and foreclosed. I got it for $28,000. Just saw two duplexes too for less that $60,000 that are appraised at $100,000. Too many deals and not enough money. Hope this helped a bit.

Good luck and thank you,
Ted P. Stokely Jr
11505 Sw Oaks
Austin, Texas 78737
512-301-9171 home
512-587-6177 mobile

See, thats my problem. I can’t find any companies on the internet that send out pre-foreclosure lists for Ohio (Medina County more specifically). I am ready to do this, and like yesterday :). So, are list pendens private info, or what? I know where and when the sales are held, but I don’t understand how that will help me find them before they go to sale. In ohio, it’s like every third friday. Thx alot :slight_smile:

Hey, I am no expert at this.

It does seem a little wierd though. Have you tried calling the county recorder’s, or county treasurer office and asking how and where you can see them?

Also, another thought I had was to contact a real estate agent that deals in foreclosed properties. I don’t whether or not they would be willing to tell you, but I am sure that they would know.

Larry Johnson