line of credit

How does an investor get a line of credit, say for $300,000? Does the bank require $ down like a business loan? Do you need a business plan, and what should it include? Are there certain banks that are more apt to do this? Has anyone been through Ed Garcia’s “How to get Lenders Fighting for Your Business”? What’s his secret formula?


to get a "line of credit"you have to have a good job and some


“better job” more line “more assets” more line.

if your living out of a shopping cart dont expect very much line.


Wachovia and other banks do this line of credit and they have the best around if they are in your area they have a special going on now :slight_smile:

we should start post on just llc how to get credit
what do you think Richmorgagebroker

Yes, I agree there is alot of interest in this topic

This is a very very good way of acquiring properties with out the risk of your primary res.