
First, if this is the wrong forum for this question, my apologies.But I figure it is marketing.

I have been thinking of sending out personal letters to individuals in traditionally higher income industries (doctors,lawyer, dentists, etc.) The purpose of the letters to look for private funding for buying property. I would also include an example of a conservative “prospectus” (for lack of a better word) outlining a deal and the possible parts they could play in that deal. (Ideally, they would just play the part of the “bank”)

Has anybody tried this, and if so what were your results?

Sounds like its worth a try. If you haven’t already and are just starting out get a DBA(sole proprietorship) your company name and a letter head. make it as professional as possible. then time it to catch them after a couple of beers and a few rounds of Golf. he he, Herbster

Prospectus is the correct word as you will need to comply with Federal and state securities laws or you will be held personally liable for any investor losses in addition to facing fines and penalties for non-compliance. You may better target your market by advertising in magazines or trade journals that these people read.

then time it to catch them after a couple of beers and a few rounds of Golf. he he

I think most people here wish that is all it took. :beer