lease options w/out tying up your own money

good afternoon investors. i’m new to the area of lease options. i believe they can help my long term goals in rei.

i’m currently pursuing shortsales and would like to entertain some possible lease options, however, i don’t want to tie up my money. at first thought i believe i could turn to private investors, but it seems in this current market most PI’s want a quick return on their money.

what are some ways in which i can structure these things so that my money isn’t tied up? using hard money may kill any chance of possitive cash flow.

You can do lease options all day long and not need to come out of pocket more than $5. And if you go the Cooperative Assignment route, not even that much. They are a great way to invest without capital or risk.

AJ290 is correct. Lease/options are one of the no money down techniques.

You just need to be able to negotiate these properly.

Right now, lease/options is one of the best strategies for doing deals.

There is also;



creative dealmaking.

But you’re on the right track with lease/options…


would you mind giving a hypothetical example? just to see it laid out.


Yes I’m aware of those options, I’m a preforeclosure guy looking to expand to FSBO’s, REO’s etc…actually it’s already in action ;]

Hi fellow REI members. I was looking at a deal of 37 acres of beautiful mountain/brown property. Asking price is $135k, I’m trying to get a lease to own option out of owner so I can get divided. I have several people interested and since this is my 1st major transaction…any suggestions as to what to be aware of, not do, etc.etc.?

Hey there Ryanpal…

Doug Pretorius (who uses CA’s all the time) went over the Cooperative Assignment a little bit in another post:,39334.0.html

He and Michael Carbonare use Lease Options and Cooperative Assignments all the time. I’m currently working on finding some deals and this is the technique that i’m using.

Low risk, super minimal money down, and more of a smaller/quick dollar than waiting the full term of a Sandwich Lease Option to get paid. It’s a technique when you can’t get the spread on the Sandwich Lease Option great enough to stay in the middle of the deal for the entire term.

Wasn’t sure if you wanted to tackle the hypothetical numbers part. My explainations/numbers tend to be a little wordy when explaining it. LOL :cheesy