Lease Options Question

The seller who is also an agent has listed his house for rent w/option to buy. He wants to rent it for a year and wants me to exercise my option within the first 6 months. What if anything can i offer this seller.

He wants to rent it for a year,
but wants you to buy within 6 months?

…makes sense…

Its not for my personal residence, investment only

So far, you mentioned (and correct me if I’m wrong)
that the seller is wanting to set up a 1 year rent to own,
and would prefer to have someone cash him out within
6 months.

What are you wanting to do here?
What’s the #s?

You say it’s an investment. Meaning what, specifically? Are you trying to set up a sandwich lease? Take control via an option and then sell it? Something else?

The lease is probably for a year but the seller prefers settlement sooner. In this market a lot of my sellers are considering lease option to own. It always is better for my sellers for the property to be sold sooner then later… Of course I am a real estate agent that does short sales…