Lease option Education

Can anyone suggest a person to learn the ins and outs of lease options in Ma. Has anyone studied wend patton?

Wendy Patton is one of the biggest names that I can think of in lease-options. I have one of her books, but never needed to buy her course.

Wendy Patton is pretty good. I went to the book store and purchased her lease option books and the next week her and some investors came to buy property in Mississippi,Gulf Coast where i was staying at the time it was in the newspaper lol.

I have her book and the Article if you want it. Just let me know

Wendy Patton is a Member of this site…send her a PM if you have questions – I bet that she’d answer!


Wendy is good. I saw her speak at my local REIC. Hard sell, of course, but that’s what most REIC’s have become these days.
Another recommendation is Michael Carbonare, over at I’ve heard him speak, too, and I like his approach.