leads sources

Does anyone know where I can find some leads with experienced investors who are looking to buy property at discounts? I’ve found several lead vendors but no one seems to have a database of actual REAL ESTATE investors…

any help would be greatly appreciated.


Most folks spend a long time developing a buyers’ list…start with the “we buy houses” folks…


I left selling commercial real estate in NYC about 2 years ago… there really wasn’t any good easy source for emailing.

There is a good newsgroup:
Ted Krause’s Deal Makers that you can send emails to…

Also, if you are going to send out mailers… creating databases of large property owners isn’t that bad…

This is a little more on the commercial side, but you would find some multihousing investors here if you had several properties (SFRs) or these discount properties were commercial…

(I believe that this is a proprietary list, and not for sale… they use it for email campaigns)


I’ve heard that they are decent for researching actual investors and sending out property flyers… many of the others that I’ve used aren’t that great.

Hope this helps…