Judge Carries Gun to Court

We can’t even protect our own judges.


All the judges (and many of the lawyers) that I know have their concealed carry licenses and carry a handgun! There is ABSOLUTELY no justice in this country and they know that.

I’ve told this story before, but here’s a short version. About a year ago, I was the only witness to an attempted murder. The criminal had been arrested OVER 200 times (about 250 times) including felonies for assaulting a police officer, drug trafficking, etc. He started stalking me and I got a restraining order. He still hasn’t been tried for the attempted murder but he was arrested for violating the restraining order against him. He served less than 2 months. He then was tried for felony drug possession and theft of drugs. The sentence: 3 years probation!!! Our criminal justice system is A JOKE! You either can protect YOURSELF or you’re a victim!

My advice: pay attention to what the judges and lawyers know. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away - or in the case of this judge when sitting in her courtroom - FORTY MINUTES AWAY! Buy a SERIOUS handgun and carry it anytime you leave the house. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SAFETY!

Does anyone know a way a civilian can carry into the court? To file evicitions or check applicants in my county, I gotta go to the 11th floor. Which means I have to get in an overpacked elevator with criminals who are emotional.

It is probably state by state. In Texas when you enter a law enforcement or secured nonpublic section of a government building you have to surrender the weapon. I would just not bring mine there.

Where I go for my evictions is a justice of the peace building that is not secured. There is no metal detector so I bring my weapon in.

It’s a law in MS that you can’t carry into a gov’t building. There’s not metal detectors in the court building I go in for evictions, but I don’t think I’d chance it by violating that part of the law and carrying it in there.
I still wish the Ft. Hood thing would change the rules for military bases.

In Texas is is the secured nonpublic area of the building.