Joint refund question

I am unable to “talk” to anyone at the IRS so I’m hoping for some answers here.

My husband and I just recently seperated and will be divorcing. He states he is not going to give me my portion of the tax refund.

I’m wondering what I can do to ensure I get my part. I left the home so it will be mailed to him.

I have threatened him with turning him in for fraud if he signs my name and cashes it. Don’t think this will stop him though.

I am desperate for answers as I need this money to cover the cost of divorce.

Any help will be appreciated, thanks.

Sadly, if you signed the joint return, there isn’t going to be much you can do short of an atty.

Keep good records and make sure you “get” your half back in the settlement. That will be decided by the attys and the court where you live and should be “fair and equitable”. In my opinion, you should be entitled to that.

Screw the (child of unmarried parents) for half of his retirement plans, too. (oops, I may have crossed the professional line, there)

Mark Wagner, CPA