Jay Dackman

Jay Dackman- if you know who he is what comes to mind?
anyway this guy is one for the books
I have a property under contract to buy however itis tax foreclosure- he will not give me tax redemption p/o
this is after i have given him owner authorization and purchase contract ( which is normally sufficient for any other tax atty) and after getting the property owner to personally request the p/o. which was his second request
now he is saying prop owner must personally come to his office with valid id to receive the redemption!!
tell me is this bull crap or what!!
i have redeemed a few of his other props(by the way that personally bought at tax sale!!)
should i file a greviance with the atty greviance commission
my title atty says to do so- is there anything else i can do??

thaks for your help
joe hartman >:(