I attended The Millionaire Conference in Houston Texas today. I believe that James Smith is a legitimate investor/trainer.
I purchased the asset protection system about 2 1/2 years ago. It’s exactly what they claim that it is and much much much more. NO kidding. I have saved at least $15,000 in legal fees alone, from setting up my financial structure with their material. Tax savings, benefits, perks and advantages; I’m not going to even try to tell you about them.
The presenters of the legal system have been around a long time and James Smith has been working with them for a long time as well. I can’t believe they would jeopardize their reputation by allowing scam artists to work in their network. They have been building their seminars for years. I went when the attendance was only 100 to 150 people at small hotel rooms.
James; I believe is legitimate. Many times the price they charge weed out the less serious. There’s always a learning curve, with any new thing that you undertake to do. It’s not magic. So, if a person gets involved and doesn’t make money in 3 months, is no surprise to me.
I’ve been self employeed for over 9 years. I have been involved in many opportunities. I have succeeded at being profitable. You cannot jump the learning curve. It doesn’t matter what the program is and how well it’s presented to you. If you check your personal job or profession; I’m sure you make it look easy to anyone not familiar with what you’re doing. It’s the same in other professions. It looks easy from their position, and it is. Because they have mastered it. I believe you can master it too; if you can stick with it past the learning curve period and consistantly do what they are teaching you to do. Don’t you think for a second, that these guys have not had pitfalls and bad situations.
I have 3 sons. Each has worked with me in my business. Each one has mastered the work at different rates and different skills levels. Why? Several factors. Interest, ability to follow instructions, ability to work as a team, ability to focus, additude, endurance and so on. Out of my 3 sones, only one has master the business enough for me to trust leading things in his hands. And he was not the first one to start working with me either. You would probably think so, Huh. One, I must be present to get the best out of him. He started working with me first. Must consistantly reinforce how I want things did, etc. The other is a great worker, consistant self starter, don’t have to watch, don’t have to be around, as long as he has tasks to do, he won’t stop until complete; however, he has not gained the skills to be productive without a team environment. All 3 of my sons have the same opportunity. Each has a different level of developed expertise.
Accept it or not. We all have similar experiences with opportunities that we become involved in.
Internet presense never means legitimacy. There are many very good scam artists online and you can find a lot of information about them. Some of them are so good you cannot detect them. Sometimes only, real experts can point out the scams they are running. Once, pointed out you can see what they are doing. I have already experienced this.
Many businesses in the open market have been uncovered as frauding the public. How many times have you seen fraud exposed in the news and didn’t realize that company was a fraud. Enron fooled everyone.
Lack of confidence in something does not make it a fraud, anymore than confidence in something makes it legitimate. The facts and truth in the end, verifies what anything is.
One last word. We should ask ourselves one of many questions. 1) Do we have the passion to accomplish what we set out to do? Or are we looking for a genie in the bottle with a majic opportunity and majic circumstances to make us wealthy. If this is the way we think; then I’m afraid the cheater is not the trainers. It’s us; cheating ourselves and literally lying to ourselves. Over riding our inter real gut feeling and knowledge level about what we really want to do.
One of the greatest things we can do is to be real honest with ourselves. Then we will be able to discern what we can handle and we’ll be honest with our ability to learn and we’ll be honest with our perception of what’s presented to us and so on.
If you take 2 guys, just coming out of high school.
One has a background of helpping his father as a mechanic. Tearing down lawn mower motors at age 10 and rebuilding auto engines at age 16 and the designing and building drag racers by age 19. Makes A in all levels of math.
The other just went to school. Very popular. A lady’s type guy. Party guy. Just hangs out with the crowds. Didn’t have much contact with any mechanical applications. Makes B’s and C’s in math related courses.
Now, they both want to be mechanical engineers. They enroll in college for this degree. Which one do you think will struggle and which one will probably go through with minimal struggle. Both can make it. But, the second guy is going to have to dig in and really work hard to get up to speed with the first guy. Because he has NO foundation knowledge.
You don’t have to be an expert to know this. I have lived long enough to see this happen several times.
Our background does have something to do with how we relate and master tasks that we undertake. That’s why honesty with one’s self, will help us to make the necessary adjustments to accomplish in spite of our lack of present knowledge and experience.
Most of the time, what we lack is the sharp edge that generally gets built through more experience.
When we’re green; it shows. No matter what we think. And the people we try to work with, can see it.
So, don’t give up. Just don’t give up. And don’t blame anyone. It’s just another poisin that will sabatoge what you’re trying to do.
Good Success to everyone.